Sunday, October 4, 2015

October 4th - Today In History

"He serves his party best who serves his country best."

Could you imagine a politician today not only saying that but living by it? I certainly could not but Rutherford B. Hayes, born on this day in 1822, said it at his presidential inauguration and despite not being considered a very effective president he tried to live it too. More on him here.

In addition, today was an important day for another reason, much more important than most any of us probably realize. On October 4, 1636, the first legal code written in North America was instituted by the Pilgrims of Plymouth colony. It was an extremely important legal code that would help mold our Constitution in as much as it guaranteed things like trial by jury and that all laws be enacted only with the consent of the freemen of the colony. More here.

All the best,
Glenn B

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