Saturday, December 13, 2014

Holy Gift Giving Geezers, Batman

Yes folks, I am a geezer and a gift giver (as are we all) but I am holy (as relative to my past me) because I am already wrapping my Christmas gifts and writing out my Christmas cards for this year. If that does not make me saintly (this year), then nothing does. That if only because I have never done anything else that might qualify me for that honor.

Yes, I am writing Christmas cards two weeks before Christmas instead of only days before (or days after) Christmas as I usually wind up doing. I also have completed all of my really necessary Christmas shopping; well with the exception of only a few gifts for some people whom I suppose should receive something from me. That is amazing for me - this early in the season.

Of course, as has been usual for the past 47 years or more, I have to shop on Christmas Eve, otherwise it would not be Christmas the next day as far as I am concerned. I usually save that shopping spree for an extra present for my wife and or kids. Otherwise, I am pretty much finished. I think I need presents for only two people in my family for whom I have not gotten them already! That is pretty damned good for me this early. Add to that, the fact that, today, I wrapped most of the ones I already bought and I could be a saint.

Even if it does really not come close to qualifying me for sainthood, it makes me feel good and quite satisfied with my own efforts this year.

Whatever - hope you are
having half as good a day as me,
Glenn B

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