Monday, September 8, 2014

The Cold War II

I don't think he can blame it on George W. Bush but president Obama may yet find a way to weasel out of the responsibility for starting what may just become the second edition of the Cold War.  Russian bombers have been reported as practicing strategic air strikes, with cruise missiles, on the US from air space near Canada. The practice runs began only after a Russian general recently pushed the Kremlin to change its classification of the United States to that of enemy.

Now let's see - who is the pansy in the White House who has been patting his own chest and rattling his umbrella while telling the Russians that he is to be obeyed as to what he says about Russia's invasion of the Ukraine but who fails to back it up with anything other than wimpish sanctions. Yes you guessed it - and it's not GWB. If this is a prelude to the Cold War II, I can only hope history correctly records who started it - Barack Hussein Obama - the worst president ever.

All the best,
Glenn B

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